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Interested in being an exhibitor or conference sponsor?

At the only conference and show that is exclusive to the huge and growing interscholastic athletic and activity marketplace, your company can reach the key purchasing decision-makers for high school and school system athletic departments.


This is the place for companies with products and services related to all areas of athletics.


We have some wonderful opportunities for you, as an exhibitor, to put your company or organization directly in front of those who make all the purchasing decisions for their athletic departments. Additional sponsorship opportunities at the conference along with our popular passport program and special advertising insertions are outlined in this Prospectus. We can also customize additional opportunities for you. 




Celia Budwig

Manager of Marketing & Events

NFHS   |   317-822-5749

Becky Moran, CMAA

Associate Executive Director

NIAAA   |   317-587-1450 x2

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